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2025-2026 Comsewogue High School
Elective Course Offerings

High School Students: Please complete all of the information below. Please make sure that you select your correct grade level. This will identify the list of electives you are choosing from.
Visit this link to view the 2025-2026 Course Catalog.

Grade 9

Fine Arts Courses - Required for Graduation

Art or Music:

Please select ONE of the following courses from the list below. Students must satisfy their graduation requirement in art/music. *
Fine Arts:

In addition to selecting your art/music graduation requirement, students may also choose the course below, which will be scheduled in lieu of a lunch period.

Grade 10

Select a total of ONE (1) credit from the following electives in STEAM and/or Fine Arts. All students MUST take Health (0.5 credits) and Competitive Edge (0.5 credits) for the other 1 credit.

Fine Arts Courses - Required for Graduation

If you have NOT yet fulfilled your art/music requirement for graduation, please choose from the list below.
Please select the next sequence in the course you are currently enrolled in. *
Fine Arts Courses (Required for Graduation) *

Fine Arts Courses - Electives

Fine Arts Courses (Electives)

STEAM Courses

STEAM Courses

Business, Technology and Careers Courses

Business, Technology and Careers Courses

Humanities Courses

Humanities Courses

Science Courses

Science Courses

Grade 11

Grade 12

Select a total of up to THREE (3) credits from the following electives.
*If you are opting out of lunch, select a total of up to FOUR (4) credits.

Fine Arts Courses - Required for Graduation

If you have NOT yet fulfilled your art/music requirements for graduation, please choose from the list below.
Fine Arts Courses (Required for Graduation) *

Fine Arts Courses - Electives

Fine Arts Courses (Electives)

World Language Courses

World Language Courses

*All students are highly encouraged to continue their World Language sequence throughout their high school careers.
World Language Courses

*All students are highly encouraged to continue their World Language sequence throughout their high school careers.

Health / Science Courses

Health / Science Courses

*Health / Science courses must be chosen in 1.0 credit increments

Note: You cannot take Advanced Placement Research without having taken Advanced Placement Seminar.

Math Courses

Math Courses

STEAM Courses

STEAM Courses

Business, Technology and Careers Courses

Business, Technology and Careers Courses

Humanities Courses

Humanities Courses

*Humanities courses must be chosen in 1.0 credit increments
If you are interested in taking your English 11 and United States History and Government classes as a combined, 2-period American Civilization course, select the course below.

Physical Education

Physical Education Courses

ALL students must select one (1) of the following courses. *

Alternate Physical Education Course

If you do not get your first Physical Education choice, please select from the list below for your second choice.
Select an Alternate Physical Education Course *

Alternate Elective Choices

Please list alternate elective choices, in order of preference, in the event that you are unable to get the electives selected above. List up to four (4) alternative elective choices. *


Are you interested in attending BOCES? *


All students will be scheduled to take ninth grade lunch. Students interested in taking an additional course such as Fundamentals of Performing Arts, will need to opt out of lunch. If such is the case, please check below that you do not want lunch.


Would you like a lunch period? *